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The statements, comments, or opinions expressed by users through use of the technology resources of GoodNews Church are those of their respective authors, who are solely responsible for them, and do not necessarily represent the views of GoodNews Church.
GoodNews Church provides online information focused on faith based content. The GoodNews Church website may contain links to external websites. GoodNews is not responsible for the privacy practices or policies of those sites not housed under the GoodNews Church domain. Please be aware that GoodNews Church does not claim any responsibility for the privacy practices of other sites. GoodNews Church encourages users to be aware when they leave this site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this website.
Google Analytics is used to analyze traffic to this site. Google Analytics does not create individual profiles for visitors. Google Analytics is software that provides business insight and marketing trends without compromising the privacy of users on the web. In addition to information actively provided by individuals using the GoodNews Church website, GoodNews routinely records the following information each time the sites are used:
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Demographic data
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GoodNews Church does not link the log data collected to the personal information that an individual submits online when participating in or signing up for events and activities. -
In addition to information automatically collected by your browser, GoodNews Church also collects information that you voluntarily provide when filling out a request form for one of our events or activities at the church.
Submission forms generally require participants to provide the church with contact information. The contact information provided by the participant is used by GoodNews Church for phone/mail/email or text communication about your interest. Occasionally, GoodNews Church may use the information collected to send you information about other events or activities offered by GoodNews Church. If you decide that you do not want to have this information we will honor your wishes
If you do not want to receive GoodNews Church e-mail marketing, please submit a request to have your email address removed to goodnewschurchaz@gmail.com.
GoodNews Church does not sell or distribute confidential information collected online to individuals or entities not affiliated with the church. -
GoodNews Church reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to its users on this page. Please check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom. If a user objects to any of the changes to the policy, the User must cease using the website and can request that the church erase his/her identifiable personal data. Unless stated otherwise, the then-current privacy policy applies to all personal data that the data controller has about users.
Last update:03/08/2023